Saturday, November 2, 2013

Not Fall Until I've Baked a Pumpkin

Every fall for the last few years, I have baked a small pumpkin.  This is an unintentional tradition, but since I've consistently done it, and enjoyed it, I hope I will continue.  It takes about an hour and makes the entire house small like fall.  They are so good!  I've only ever eaten them as "mashed" pumpkin, but I know you can use it in pies, breads, cookies, etc.  The mash is really good with cream cheese, if you don't mind the calories!  Yumm!  I always buy a small baking pumpkin, not the larger ones, as they are usually sweeter.  After cutting them in half, I remove the pulp and seeds (save the latter for roasting!).  Then I cover the cut side of each half with foil and place foil side down in a glass baking pan.  I have read recipes that include adding 1 or 2 inches of water to the baking pan to preserve moisture, but I find that they remain moist enough for my taste without.  I usually bake at about 400 degrees for about an hour (time may depend on the pumpkin, I have over cooked and under cooked.  I'd check on them at about 45 min for tenderness). When the rind is soft and scoops out easy from skin, they are done.  I usually store what I don't eat the same day in air tight containers.  Add butter, salt, pepper and any spices you like to taste.  Or add a dollop of cream cheese and try to get a little with each bite.  Heaven!

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