Wednesday, April 9, 2014

General Conference

This last weekend I was able to watch General Conference.  This is a conference held over 2 days that is broadcast and available over the internet.  Prophets of God speak to us the word of God so that we might know His will for us and do it.  There were a couple of talks given that included the message that God gives commandments and they don't change, even if the ways and laws of man do over time.  It was comforting to me to have this reminder, especially with all the changes occurring in the world these days.  It is nice to know that God is constant, even if nothing else is and that I can rely on Him always.  Another message I heard was that we need to stand firm in living our religion and standing up for what we know and believe is right.  This may be hard to do in a world where people are departing from living a lot of good principles and commandments.  Commandments that are given to help us to be happy and live successful lives.  I am grateful for the opportunity that I have to listen to this conference twice a year and I look forward to it when it comes up.  I know that God lives and that He cares about all of His children all over the world, regardless of their beliefs or ways of life.

There were a lot of topics spoken on during the conference.  Here is a link to watch or listen to it online:

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Relying on God

Next month, my brother is getting married.  I am excited for the event.  I will get to see all of my immediate family in one place again, which will be so nice, as well as some extended family that will be able to attend.  I am very grateful for family.  No family is perfect, but families really are important.  I really appreciate that my family laughs at my jokes.

I am grateful for my Heavenly Father as well.  He is always there to support me in my trials, He may not take them away, but He will help me go through them in the best way possible.  Whenever I am sincere in my desire to change and make the right decision, He is always there immediately to help me do the right thing and to make the right choice.  He gives assurance of making the right decision and comfort and strength to do the right thing.  This week He helped me to return somethings that I bought that I really didn't need (I am in school and don't have much money to spare).  He gives me comfort to know that I can do without things and still be alright.  He helps me to find ways to do without things, that often end up being better that way anyway.  I must be creative or at least humble in my planning and accomplishments.  I develop more confidence in myself and God this way.  I highly recommend seeking for and accepting God's counsel when He wants to give it to you in especially in the everyday things.  He loves all of His children.

Happy spring!